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Why E-commerce Sites Should Invest More in Technical SEO

It’s necessary for every online business to maintain its relevance and visibility in the search engine box. Most people will avail products or services online. They’ll immediately go to their search bar to look for what they want. With that, utilizing technical SEO can be an effective way to market and promote your brand online.

Technical optimization is crucial to your website’s strong online presence. It’s a way to ensure that your site can follow all the guidelines set out by search engines. Since user experiences begin in the search engine box, working on it can help you get higher rankings and drive more sales.

Utilizing technical SEO will help you get better traffic and higher rankings from the search engines. To know more insights, here’s why e-commerce sites should invest more in technical SEO this 2019.

It Increases Your Site Speed

Site speed refers to the time taken by the search engines to load your site. It’s an essential ranking factor that can affect its metrics. They include search ranking, bounce rate, conversion, reader satisfaction, revenue generation, and more. With that, you have to identify those areas that need improvement and monitor them as well.

Decreasing your site’s loading time is equally important as your content. Your visitors won’t waste their time waiting for it to load since they want quick results. They may also lose interest in your site if it loads slowly. Thus, investing more in technical SEO can help increase your site speed, boost your traffic, and decrease your bounce rate.

It Makes Your Website More Mobile Friendly

Making your website more mobile friendly is vital. It’s one of the most effective ways to get indexed by the search engines. If there’s an error when you open it using your mobile phone, then it may need to be optimized. You can do it through mobile-first indexing to help make your site more mobile friendly and reflect your user behavior trends.

Mobile-first indexing is the initial set up by Google to help you get the mobile version of your website and your content for indexing and ranking purposes. The majority of users nowadays can access Google Search through their mobile phones. With that, the crawlers can quickly determine your ranking and see an increase in your traffic.

It Eliminates Crawl Errors

Crawl errors occur when the search engines fail to try reaching a page on your website. They won’t be able to crawl and index your site if it has crawl errors. With that, it’s necessary to eliminate them from your site. You need to crawl your website by yourself to help see them and fix them immediately.

The crawlers will discover pages on your site and score them via hundreds of signals. It’s a way to determine if they must be indexed or not and where to rank them in the SERPs for a given keyword. The use of Google Search Console can help you monitor your website’s security issues and index errors as well as fixing them as soon as possible.

It Helps Analyze Your URL Structure

The URL structure is an essential aspect of technical SEO. You need to ensure that your URL is as simple as possible since a complex one won’t impress the search engines. It must include the proper hyphen, spacing, and keywords that can help the search engines to understand what your page is all about quickly.

When crawlers get confused with complicated URLs, they won’t be able to index those sites correctly. With that in mind, you need to make sure that they are plain and simple by trimming them. It’s an effective way to help attract users to click on your link and navigate your site easily, which can help increase your traffic.

It Improves Your Site Structure

Your website’s stability can play a crucial role in SEO. Its structure needs to be the best for both your visitors and the search engines. It’s a way to help the search engines to quickly crawl to your site while allowing the users to navigate around it. You also need to link all the relevant pages from your home page when you structure your site.

When your website is down for most of the time, it may not get good rankings in the search engine results. It might also fail to impress the search engines, which can result in low traffic. With that, you need to check it regularly to ensure that it has a good structure. You can fix your server or host issues so that they won’t affect your ranking and traffic.


Technical SEO is essential for running efficient and optimized e-commerce sites. It helps increase your site speed, makes it more mobile-friendly, and improves your site structure. It can also help analyze your URL structure while eliminating your site’s crawl errors. In that way, you can get a higher ranking, boost your traffic, and increase your actual sales.

Author Bio:

Dan Joseph Pamat is a passionate writer who likes to write about anything interesting. He’s currently working at KKCOC where he found his passion for writing. He’s also an avid sports fan who is fond of reading articles and news about his favorite athletes. During his free time, Dan Joseph enjoys going on a road trip with his family and friends.

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