Home/Guides/A Perfect Guide to Fix a “Rats! WebGL Hit a Snag” Error in 2020

A Perfect Guide to Fix a “Rats! WebGL Hit a Snag” Error in 2020

By |5.3 min read|

At the time of using Google Chrome, you would be coming into view with so many different errors that might become a big hurdle in your Chrome access towards other websites. Out of all such errors, today we would be mentioning the error Rats! WebGL hit a Snag.

This is one such sort of error that would be taking place if in the condition, the WebGL is not much accessible or the content is not much compatible with the rest of the browser.

It might be possible that you cannot have the access as it has the error inside it. The error would be popping up when the browser would be making its access to the “Rats! WebGL hit a snag” over some other site later on.

Here we have an easy and simple guide for you that would be giving you a depth discussion about how you can solve this error! Let’s have a look!

[su_note note_color=”#f40058″ text_color=”#ffffff” radius=”3″ class=””] Also Like ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED [/su_note]

What is WebGL All About?

WebGL is the abbreviation of Web Graphics Library. It is entirely accountable in rendering the activation over 3D as well as 2D series of graphics. This is happening in any browser that is much compatible with it.

Moreover, this would not be requiring any some plug-ins or even with an access of the add-ons to deal with it. This makes it eventually merely enough for the users.

This processing unit of computer graphics would be helpful to execute the “Rats! WebGL hit a snag” codes that are written in the format of Javascript. It can deal with all such conditions without the need or help of any tools or any plug-ins.

How to Solve This Annoying Error?

Now the main question that would probably be hitting your mind is how you can solve an error that is all the time disturbing yours in your browser access.

Well, we are here to make you learn about the solutions in simple and natural approaches. 

Let’s have a look at the solutions one by one:

Solution 1: Enabling Hardware Acceleration on Platform of Google Chrome


This has been one of the simple methods, which you can perform right now to solve this error. This method would be letting your Chrome to have access in the computer GPU when it is needed.

To fix this error with this method, you have to follow the below-mentioned steps one by one:

  • First, launch the Google Chrome platform browser.
  • Now you have to make a click on the Customize and get complete control on the Chrome button. This button is located at the top right side of the browser.
  • In the next step, click on the settings that are located at the drop-down menu!
  • Now scroll down on the page and click on the option of Advanced that would make you get the pop-up screen of advanced Google Chrome settings.
  • Now choose the options of settings that is located under the System tab option.
  • As you are done with the changes, re-launch the browser once again to check if the error is resolved or not!
[su_note note_color=”#f40058″ text_color=”#ffffff” radius=”3″ class=””] Also Read Err_Connection_Reset [/su_note]

Solution 2: Resetting the Enabled Flags in Google Chrome Platform

Now let’s move to the second solution that is all about resetting the enabled flags on the Google Chrome platform. Here we have step-by-step tutorial for you:

  • First, you have to launch the set-up of Chrome Google browser.
  1. In the URL section, you will be typing the statement chrome: //flags and later on press Enter.
  • This will lead you to pop up with the new page that will make you assist with Chrome flags.
  • Check for the reset options in the search bar and select it.
  1. If you want to WebGL content in the platform of Chrome, you would be searching the option in the bar that reads WebGL Draft Extensions. You have to disable it.
  1. As you are done with the changes, re-launch the browser once again to check if the error is resolved or not!

Solution 3: Resetting Google Chrome Browser Platform:

There are huge chances of the fact that this error would be taking place for the reason that there are some unintentional settings in the Chrome, which you might do not know.

It is important for you to reset the Chrome again to fix the problem. Here we have step-by-step tutorial for you:

  • First, launch the Google Chrome platform browser.
  • Now you have to make a click on the Customize and get complete control on the Chrome button. This button is located at the top right side of the browser.
  • In the next step, click on the settings that are located at the drop-down menu!
  • Now choose the options of reset settings that is located under the System tab option.
  • As you are done with the changes, re-launch the browser once again to check if the error is resolved or not!

Solution 4: Updating your Google Chrome

On the last, we have a solution that is about updating the Google Chrome once again! Here we have step-by-step tutorial for you:

  • Starting with, first, launch the Chrome platform on your Windows 10 computer.
  • Now you have to make a click on the Customize and get complete control on the Chrome button.  This button is located at the top right side of the browser.
  • This option will turn into green color if there is any update pending for the previous two days.
  • This option will turn into orange color if there is any update pending for the previous four days.
  • This option will turn into red color if there is any update pending for the previous seven days.
  • Click on the option of Update Google Chrome and wait until the process is ended.
  • Now once again re-launch the browser.

Final words:

So if you want to get rid of this error from your Google Chrome, then without a delay follow the series of solutions one by one we mentioned above for you. All the best!